Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Today i'll intoduce you to jing! What is jing? How it work's, jing pro, what hardware can jing play on, and other things about jing you might want to know.

Jing is an online software that let's you take a photo or video by capturing the screen. You have to download it but it is worth downloading, you can make a good video by capturing the screen and choosing the spot you want to take the video of. You have to register or use an account you already created, registering take a minute and it's easy.  With jing after you captured your image you can put arrows on it pointing the object you might want to point,  put text on your images and shapes.  You could download it with Mac,  Windows or Linux. You will get a account to Screencast.com instantly for sharing the screenshots and screencasts you make with Jing! A small sun-coloured spot takes place at the top of the screen you could drag the icon anywhere you want by clicking it then dragging it to any corner on your computer screen, after you have took your screenshot or video you will need to name your it. After that you need to name your image or video and save it by clicking save. If you go over the yellow circle there will be three circles, that say Capture, History and Settings. If your computer has a microphone, Jing can record your voice. And everything around you. When you are done recording, your screencast movie is ready to upload.   Select a window and Jing will record the video of everything that appears in that area. Point to things with your mouse, scroll through sites,  click around in a website Jing will record it all. Jing makes it very easy to grab screenshots and videos straight from your PC, and then save them or share them on the Web. Once you've recorded a video, you can save it to your Screencast account, and from there you can get an embed code to put it in a blog or other page. It is 100 percent free and very useful. Free online storage from Screencast.com and unlimited images and video's .

What is jing pro? Jing Pro is a better jing but you have to pay yearly for it the yearly price is 14.99. On Jing Pro you can send your videos you made directly to YouTube.  People who have jing might have jing pro because they like sending there video's directly to YouTube. Sometimes you want your videos to get a little more good quality. Record up to five minutes of video. With Jing Pro, your video plays nice with video sharing sites YouTube, Viddler even Facebook. You get a button for direct upload to YouTube.

Here are some videos:

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