Tuesday, April 27, 2010



http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3052/2963193577_d554afc8f6.jpg?v=0http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41VBFFTKQSL._Bell%20Influx%20Bike%20Helmet_.jpgRiding a bike is the most fun way to drive. Hand Signals are used by cyclists and some other vehicles, you use hand signals to warn drivers close to you that you are going left, or right it doesn't matter which way you are going just remember to do the right signals. You may ride on the center of the lane when the other vehicles are going same speed as Before you move to any side of the road you have to look for other vehicles on the road so you don't crash into them. Look left and right before crossing the road always. Be carefull so you don't run into a broken grass bottle pieces or trash on the floor. If there's a fast car behind you and a glass bottle. On the other side i think you should take the risk of getting the glass pies in your tire, you can get killed by a car going into you, but there's a less chance of you being killed with a glass in your tire. Its easy once you are a beginner biker to learn. One of the most important items you need for the bike is a helmet that goes on your head and if you crash. You will get less injures on your head. A bike is good for riding for fun. Going far places, exercise and many other things. Cyclists are the same as any other motor on the road but they have more to rules. Cyclists also have more room on the road and have more rights. While cars dont.  Bikes are good for long journeys and are workouts
There are many types on bikes: 

http://www.automobilsport.com/upload/lifestyle-2008/bmw-steigenberger-bike.jpgUtility bicycles: That is designed for shopping. They handle heavy weight .
Mountain bicycles: are designed for off-road cycling, on mountains and hills.
Racing Bike: A racing bike is designed for speed. They have lightweight frames.
Time trial bicycles: are similar to road bikes but have different typo of wheels.
Touring bicycles: are designed for bicycle touring and long journeys.
BMX: bicycles: are designed for stunts, tricks, and racing on hilly dirt tracks. 
Cruiser bicycles: are called beach bikes or boulevardiers and are designed for comfortable travel.

I hoped i helped you to learn about bikes!

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