Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Currency War

Currency War's are when countries compete against each other to make a low exchange rate for their own currency. When the currency goes low so does the price of everything. The lower the currency goes the more businesses are recruiting. Currency Wars have been going on for as long we can remember. One of the most known Currency Wars was in the 1930s thus this currency war was not expected no one really started to store things so that caused a depression which caused a riots. See Currency War's can be dangerous. During the Great Depression most of the country's abandoned the currency gold and then gold started having barley no value whatsoever. Then in the 1950's Gold skyrocketed and is warring the currency's. I'd rather have gold then paper. The currency war of the 1930s is supposedly ended with the Tripartite monetary agreement of 1936. During the 1996 China crisis a lot of Asian economies ran critically low on foreign reserves. Which made China left with the no-good offers from the IMF. This broke the free market and now slowly the free market is getting back up. 

I'd Rather Have Gold then Paper:

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