Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Converting fractions, decimals and percentages

Converting fractions, decimals and percentages

Test Bite

You scored 10 out of 10
1. 3/4 is the same as: 
You said: 0.75

Correct, well done
2. 1/8 is the same as: 
You said: 0.125

Well done, you divided 1 by 8.
3. 0.3 is equivalent to: 
You said: 3/10

Well done!
4. 1/4 is equivalent to: 
You said: 25%

Correct, well done!
5. 2% is the same as: 
You said: 0.02

Well done, you divided by 100.
6. 2/3 is the same as: 
You said: 6623%

Yes! Well done. 
7. 0.61 is equivalent to: 
You said: 61%

Well done, you remembered to multiply by 100. 
8. 0.003 is equivalent to: 
You said: 0.3%

Well done, you remembered to multiply by 100. 
9. 2410% is the same as: 
You said: 24.10

Well done, you remembered to divide by 100. 
10. 1/7 is: 
You said: A recurring decimal

Yes, well done! 

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