Thursday, December 6, 2012

Symmetry - Math


You scored 10 out of 10
1. Look at these shapes. Decide which shape or shapes fit each description and select the correct letter from the dropdown list. various shapes

Three lines of symmetry 
You said: d
Well done. The only shape with 3 lines of symmetry is the equilateral triangle.
2. No reflection symmetry
You said: fgh
Well done. There are 3 shapes with no reflection symmetry.
3. Four lines of symmetry 
You said: c
Well done. There is only one shape with 4 lines of symmetry.
4. Rotation symmetry of order 3
You said: dg
Well done. You spotted the two shapes with rotation symmetry of order 3.
5. Rotation symmetry of order two but no reflection symmetry
You said: h
Well done. The parallelogram has rotation symmetry of order 2 but no reflection symmetry.
6. One line of symmetry
You said: bi
Well done. These two shapes have only 1 line of symmetry.
7. Rotation symmetry of order 4 but no reflection symmetry
You said: f
Well done. You spotted the shape with rotation symmetry of order 4 but no reflection symmetry.
8. No rotation symmetry
You said: bi
Well done. Only these two shapes don't have rotation symmetry.
9. Rotation symmetry of order 2
You said: aeh
Well done. You spotted the three shapes with rotation symmetry of order 2.
10. Rotation symmetry of order 3 but no reflection symmetry
You said: g
Well done. There is only one shape that has rotation symmetry of order 3 but no reflection symmetry.

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