Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Goats are mammals, there are both domestic goats and wild goats, and there are over three hundred different goat breeds.  Although there are many interesting facts about wild goats, I would like to focus mainly on domestic goats.  Goats produce many things: milk, cheese, meat, fiber, and skins. A dairy goat can produce six to eight pounds of milk a day.  Although cow's milk is more popular to drink in the West.  It is often given to the young, the sick, and to those who have a low tolerance to cow milk. It is also easier to digest than cow milk.  You can make both hard or soft cheese out of goats milk.  The simplest way to make goat cheese is to allow raw milk to curdle naturally  and then to drain and press the curds.  The meat of a goat has less fat and cholesterol, and is leaner, than both lamb and beef.  Goats have both primary and secondary fiber. Cashmere wool is the most expensive natural fiber produced.Goats will seldom consume soiled food or contaminated water unless facing starvation.  Goats prefer browse weeds, as sheep do not.  Mold in a goat's feed can make it sick and possibly kill it.  Wilted fruit tree leaves can also kill goats if they eat it.

Goats are very curious animals, and it is not uncommon for a goat to escape it's pen. 

They are easily trained and people often use them for pulling wagons, races, amd shows.


Here are a few links of goats you might like to look at!



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