Friday, May 21, 2010

Mcguffey electic third reader Lesson XXVI - Insignificance of the earth - CHALMERS

Richard                                                                                                                                  May, 20, 2010

Lesson XXVI – Insignificance of the Earth – CHALMERS

Rule: When reading pieces of this kind, a little more animation is necessary than those which have preceded it.


1.This subject is about insignificance of the earth.
2.Yes the elements exist which might destroy the earth.
3.Volcano, tornado, floods, earthquakes might destroy the earth.
4.It might destroy of the agency of fire.
5.A comet is a massive rock, sometimes bigger than the earth.
6.The earth may be destroyed by a comet by crashes into it.
7.No if the earth would be destroyed it would do not harm to the universe.
8.It is possible if the earth is destroyed by natural agents.
9.This should teach us to be good and praise God.
10. A volcano, hurricane flood... are natural agents.

Spell and Define.

Universe: The Universe is every star planet and galaxy.
Magnificence: Splendor of surroundings.
Insignificant: Lacking meaning or important.
Microscope: A optical instrument for making things look closer of bigger.
Myriads: Hard to count Countless.
Elements: Any of the four substances air, water, fire, and earth.
Transform: To change form or appearance.
Valcano: A hill or Mountain that has molten or the rock warms up in it.
Elastic: Not rigid or constricted.
Exhalation: Exhaled or given off.
Ingredients: Part of any combination or mixture.
Virulence: Extreme bitterness or malignity of temper.
Orbit: The gravitational orbit of a planet around a star.
Superstition: It's bad luck to spill salt, step on a crack, break a mirror... .
Precision: think realy hard to. EX: Get a pen perfectly on a the 2 in this number 122.
Planetart: Means relating to a planet or planets.
Axis: Line around which a object rotates.
Revolution: One round.
Annihilate: To destroy every last bit.
Dominion: A type of name.

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