Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Using Adsense

Popularity and making money on your blog can be a lot of work. Today people think that if you just post many items you will recieve lots of popularity and money but. You must advertise your site and present it to people. Advertising is pretty easy because we have twitter and facebook and all these other social places. When Blogger and Google joined they invented a thing called Adsesnse. Adsense is a money application for blogs. Adsesne is what a allows you to make money. There are many ways to make money. First , you can hope that the people will click on the adds by Google. Second , you can recommend Google products. Third , you can wait for some donations. And final , you can advertise other online stores. Its not hard using Adsense. If you want to check how your blog is doing Google made another application called Analytics. Analytics shows you who and how many people went on your site in the world. If you are a full time blogger you can make your own templates and you own headers. Blogger is free and so is Adsense. Of course you haveto be 18 to use adsense but no matter if you are a child just ask one of your parents. Blogger and Google make a good team. They are still working together. Blogger can give you 35 to 100% of your income it just depends on how much you work on it. Before you join Blogger you must obey one law and that law is never click on the adds by Google yourself because it will give you money and if blogger finds out you will be removed from there site. Respect blogger and you will keep your membership .

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