Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Everybody knows Antarctica and how cold it is. Antarctica is the coldest place on earth. Antarctica can get up to -89.2c that is cold. I is hard to believe that Antarctica was once a none ice covered continent. Antarctica was once a place that you could live in. the only proof we have of Antarctica's tropical land is the history of Christopher Columbus. People do not really live in Antarctica. The population in Antarctica is 1000 to 5000. Almost all the people that are in Antarctica do not really live there just there for science and research. the isn't much wild live in Antarctica although Antarctica has a few animals and not too many plants. There are only like 3 species of animals, Seals, Birds, Whales, and penguins. when think of Antarctica you think of a small plot of link covered in ice. Antarctica is fairly large is the fifth largest counted after Asia, Africa. north America, ans south America. Antarctica has only 2 percent of green land or dessert the rest is just ice. Antarctica has lots of lakes and ponds bad thing is they turned into one big road of ice so the animals have to brake the ice to get some fish and other see creatures. Antarctica isn't really a place you would take a holiday because it gets very cold actually to cold that even have to wear a special fabricated suit to keep warm. Antarctica is cold all year around. If you want to find Antarctica it will normally be located on the bottom of the globe. Antarctica has been know for there big icebergs. Icebergs in Antarctica are the most dangerous. The reason why Icebergs are dangerous in Antarctica is because they are so large that when they fall apart and crash into the water in makes a gigantic wave and the icy shores. So there you have a little to think about on Antarctica.

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